Bucks Fungus Group
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Members’ Finds

Members' Finds was initiated after the onset of Covid 19 in 2020 to compensate for the cancellation of the group's outdoor activities due to lockdown, its purpose being to encourage members to go out looking for fungi and share their photos here. Having proved popular and provided a useful source of information, especially to those new to learning about fungi, we decided to continue after lockdown using it solely for members' collections within the county other than those recorded on our Walks - these being covered separately on our Reports & Lists page.

Four years later we now have well over 1000 species illustrated, many of which have several images and are not included in popular handbooks, making this an extremely useful resource. Over 50 members have taken part, adding rarities including species new to the county and to the UK.

To participate click here for our new 2024 July - December page and follow the instructions.

To search the LATIN MASTERLIST INDEX since its inception click here

To go to BARRY WEBB'S SLIME MOULD photos click HERE

To view Contributors & Photographers click here

The following figures are from June 2020 to June 2024

Rare sightings 302

New to Buckinghamshire 92

New to UK 8

To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2024 click July - Dec HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2024 click Jan - Jun HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2023 click July - Dec (now closed) HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2023 click Jan - June (now closed) HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2022 July - Dec (now closed) click HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2022 Jan - June (now closed) click HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2021 July - Dec (now closed) click HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2021 Jan - June (now closed) click HERE
To go to MEMBERS' FINDS 2020 (now closed) click HERE

Looking for an image of a particular fungus not yet included on the pages above? Try clicking on 'Find a fungus image'. We have hundreds of fungus photographs to share with you, some of species hard to track down in reference books, some with excellent microscopic details illustrated as well.